The “So We Won’t Forget” zine series will feature the original art created and stories gathered at select farm and community garden sites in the greater East Tennessee bio region through the 2023 growing season. Five collections of farm-specific hand made Seed Swap Pockets will be created using place-based experimental gelli-plate printmaking, upcycled kraft paper, and hand picked flora from each site. “So We Won’t Forget” will document and amplify those farmers’ voices featured in each edition around social impact issues facing young farmers today. After the art is documented for the zine, the original mono-printed seed swap pockets will be filled with that farm’s shared seeds and circulated along with the newly published zine in December 2023. SO EXTRA: Each swap pocket is also a seed travel log for all the different seeds that will be shared inside that swap pocket over time. Think Flat Stanley meets a geo cacher.

Currently seeking collaborative conversations with interested farmers, friends and funders. maryfrancesbarnett at gmail dot com

Check out the project playlist!

This project was made possible thanks to a year-long arts and social impact for climate action residency with the Southeast Tennessee Young Farmers Coalition, as a part of the Artist-at-Work program, a national arts economies partnership with funding from The Mellon Foundation in regional collaboration with The Office of Performing Arts and Film, ArtsBuild and The Lyndhurst Foundation.